Monday, December 22, 2014

Squat Progressions

I get clients who are new to lifting, recovering from an injury, or who need to perfect their form. Progressions are here to save the day!

You should master form at each level before moving onto the next progression.

General Squat Form Reminders-

*Head stays in neutral position
*Keep shoulders square, no hunching
*Neutral spine and upright torso
*Knees tracking over (but not beyond) ankles
*Weight onto heels

Golden Nuggets of Form Wisdom from Coach Jenny

"Remember that we are all different and that you should pay attention to where you feel the movement and/or where you feel sore after on YOUR body.  Women are typically more quad dominant, so make sure you are feeling it where you want to feel it.  Sometimes all it takes to get the glutes involved is hitting it with body weight exercises BEFORE you squat.  Big breath, brace your core, down, up, exhale." -Coach Jenny

Here is a video with each progression:

Progression #1-
Sitting and holding a chair (or other sturdy object) to counterbalance

*Choose a seat height that you can comfortably sit and rise from. The idea is to just tap the seat, not completely relax between reps.
*The counterbalance chair (or other object) will be held onto lightly.

Progression #2-
High seat

*Choose a seat height that you can comfortably sit and rise from. The idea is to just tap the seat, not completely relax between reps.

Progression #3-
Lower seat

*The lower the seat, the more challenging the squat.
*Choose a seat height that you can comfortably sit and rise from. The idea is to just tap the seat, not completely relax between reps.

Progression #4-

*The lower you go, the more challenging. Always aim for thighs parallel to ground at minimum range.

Progression #5-
Weighted - dumbbells or barbell

*The lower you go, the more challenging. Always aim for thighs parallel to ground at minimum range.
*If a weight causes you to shorten your range of motion, then you need to back off the weight.

X- Coach Liss

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